How To Take Dslr Pictures

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A great feature found on most Nikon DSLR’s called Image Overlay can be used for this layering technique. Taking Pictures of Fireworks. DSLR for Beginners: Learn How to Take Amazing Photos. January 7, 2014 by Travis Bennett As you realise your smartphone takes very mediocre pictures, any aspiring photographer longs to get their hands on a great digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera. Second, if you really want to go for photography then buy a entry level dslr (D3300/D3400) which costs you 25k rather than iphone/galaxy s8/ one plus 5 which costs you minimum 30–50k. It depends on you how serious you are about photography or you want just casual shots then any phone is enough.

  1. How To Take Dslr Pictures With Android

As you migrate from basic photography skills to advanced skills, learning how to stop action on your DSLR camera will be one of your biggest challenges. Shooting sharp sports photos and action photos is an important part of advancing your skill as a photographer. Everyone wants to capture pin-sharp images that are also well composed. Gaining a feel for this skill requires a certain degree of know-how and plenty of practice, but the sharp results are well worth the work. Marketing management. Use these tips to make your sports and action shots look truly professional.

Change the Autofocus Mode

To shoot sharp action photos, you need to switch your autofocus mode to continuous (AI Servo on Canon and AF-C on Nikon). The camera constantly adjusts focus as it tracks a moving subject when using continuous focus mode.

Continuous mode is also a predictive mode. It sets the focus to where it believesthe subject will be after the split-second delay between the mirror rising and the shutter opening in the camera.

Know When to Use Manual Focus

In some sports, you can pretty much determine where a player is going to be before you press the shutter. In baseball, you know where the base stealer will end up, so you can focus on second base and wait for the runner who is on first base to arrive. In cases like this, it is a good idea to use manual focus.

To do this, switch the camera to manual focus (MF) and focus on a preset point, such as second base. You are focused and ready to press the shutter as soon as the action arrives.

Use AF Points

If you are shooting in continuous autofocus mode, then you are better off leaving the camera with multiple AF points activated so it can choose its focusing point.

When using manual focus, you may find that choosing a single AF point gives you a more accurate image.

Use a Fast Shutter Speed

A fast shutter speed is required to freeze action so that it is sharp. Begin with a shutter speed above 1/500th of a second. Some sports require a minimum of 1/1000th of a second. Motor sports may require even faster speeds.

When experimenting, set the camera to TV/S mode (shutter priority). This allows you to choose the shutter speed and lets the camera sort out the other settings.

Use a Shallow Depth of Field

Action shots often look stronger if only the subject is sharp and the background is blurred. This gives a greater feeling of the speed to the subject.

To achieve this, use a shallow depth of field by adjusting the aperture to at least f/4. This adjustment also helps your camera reach faster shutter speeds. The shallow depth of field allows more light to enter the lens, which allows the camera to use faster shutter speeds.

Use Fill-In Flash

Your camera's pop-up flash can be put to good use in action photography as a fill-in flash. It can be used to help illuminate your subject and to give you a wider range of apertures to play with.

It can also be used to create a technique called 'flash and blur.' This happens when using a slow shutter speed, and the flash is fired manually at the beginning of the shot. The result is that the subject is frozen while the background is filled with blurred streaks.

If you rely on a pop-up flash, keep its range in mind. The flash may work well on a basketball court, but it may not reach to the other side of a baseball field. Also, watch to make sure that you do not get shadows while using a telephoto lens with the pop-up flash. It is better to get a separate flash unit and attach it to your DSLR's hot shoe.

Change the ISO

If you have tried everything else and you still do not have enough light entering the camera to stop action sharply, you can increase the ISO, which makes the camera's image sensor more sensitive to light. Be aware that increasing the ISO creates more noise in the images.

Taking dramatic nighttime photographs with your DSLR camera requires a different mindset and special techniques compared to daytime shooting.

Turn Off the Flash for Night Photography

If you leave your camera in Auto mode, it will try to fire the pop-up flash to compensate for the low light. All this will achieve is an 'over-lit' foreground, with a background that's been plunged into darkness. Using any of the other camera modes will negate this problem.

Use a Tripod

How to take dslr pictures with iphone

You will need to use long exposures to get great nighttime shots and that means that you will need a tripod.

How To Take Dslr Pictures With Android

If your tripod is a bit flimsy, hang a heavy bag from the center section to keep it from blowing around in the wind. Even the slightest amount of wind can shake the tripod while exposing and you may not be able to see a soft blur on the LCD screen. Err on the side of caution.

Use the Self-Timer

Just pressing the shutter button can cause camera shake, even with a tripod. Use your camera's self-timer function, in conjunction with the mirror lock-up function (if you have this on your DSLR), to prevent blurry photos.

A shutter release or remote trigger is another option and a good investment for any photographer who takes long exposures on a regular basis. Purchase one that is dedicated to your model of camera.

Use a Long Exposure

To create great nighttime shots, you need to allow the dim ambient light to sufficiently reach the image sensor — so you'll be shooting longer exposures.

A minimum of 30 seconds is a good place to begin and the exposure can be extended from there if necessary. At 30 seconds, any moving lit objects in your shot, such as cars, will be transformed into stylish trails of light.

If the exposure is very long, then it may be out of your camera's range of shutter speeds. Many DSLRs can go as long as 30 seconds, but that may be it. If you need a longer exposure, use the bulb setting to keep the shutter open as long as the shutter button is pressed. A shutter release is essential for this step; they typically include a lock so you do not have to actually hold the button the entire time (just don't lose it in the dark!).

Be patient!

The camera will take longer to render and process these long exposures. Be patient and let it process one image before trying to take the next one. Night photography is a slow process and, besides, you want to see the capture on the LCD screen so you can adjust the next exposure to perfect the shot.

Switch to Manual Focus

Even the best cameras and lenses have a difficult time with autofocus in low light and it is probably going to be best to switch your lens to manual focus.

If you even have a hard time finding something to focus on in the dark, use the distance scale on the lens. Estimate how far away a subject is in feet or meters, then use a flashlight to see and set that measurement on the lens.

If the only subject is very far away, set the lens to infinity and stop down as far as the lens will go (a minimum of f/16) and everything should fall into focus. You can always check on your LCD screen and adjust the next shot accordingly.

Increase the Depth of Field

A large depth of field is best for nighttime shots, particularly when you're photographing buildings and lit structures. A minimum of f/11 should be used though f/16 and up are even better — although less light enters the lens, so adjust your shutter speed accordingly.

For every f/stop move you make, your exposure will double. If you shot at f/11 for 30 seconds, then you will need to expose for a full minute when shooting at f/16. If you want to go to f/22, then your exposure would be 2 minutes. Use the timer on your phone if your camera does not reach these times.

Watch Your ISO

If you have adjusted your shutter speed and aperture, and still do not have enough light in your photograph, you could consider upping your ISO setting to help you to shoot in lower light conditions.

Remember, though, that a higher ISO will also add noise to your image. Noise makes its biggest appearance in the shadows and night photography is filled with shadows. Use the lowest ISO you can get away with!

Have Spare Batteries On Hand

Long exposures drain camera batteries. Carry spare batteries if you plan to conduct a lot of nighttime shots.

Experiment with Shutter and Aperture Priority Modes

If you want to help yourself learn as you go along, consider experimenting with these two modes. AV (or A — aperture priority mode) allows you to choose the aperture, and TV (or S — shutter priority mode) lets you choose the shutter speed. The camera will sort out the rest.

Priority-mode shooting is a great way to learn how the camera exposes images, and it will help you to achieve the correct exposure.