El Brujo Mayor Tarot Gratis

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Amarres de Amor Gratis y tarot Gratis Bruja Mayor. Added 3 new photos. September 22, 2016 Les pido que no crean en brujos falsos q dicen querer ayudarlos y les cobran dinero x adelantado el brujo q pide dinero x adelantado es para asegurar su estafa. Cara install office 2010 di windows 10.

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Today we offer an interesting «Magic Formula» that will help you to get (as far as possible) the heart of that special person forever. We only need 3 ingredients for this effective potion: Attraction, Intimacy, and Commitment. These three ingredients, according to experts who study the love, for being one of the strongest human emotions, are fundamental in laying the foundations of a lasting and full of magic relationship.


The first element is, then, Attraction. The expert call the attraction as the «chemistry» of the relationship, and it has to do with what we call «love at first sight.» It is the interest or desire for another person, «that» which makes us feel «butterflies in the stomach» whenever the other is nearby; «that» which makes us have the necessity of kiss or hold her/him.

This attraction for the similarities is because being with someone who shows similar attitudes and opinions is stimulating, and that values ​​our own experience and this will make us think that «if the other thinks like me, I must be right.» Then, like almost everyone likes to be right, this provides a great reward. Moreover, as we are convinced that our opinions are right, we will admire the judgment and honesty of those who share our point of view. This way, the ones who think like us will be inclined favorably towards us, which makes that we incline also favorably towards them.


On the other hand, when the relationship is closer, we find Intimacy, the sharing with the other person thoughts and feelings that no one else knows. It is to feel what the other person listens, understands and supports us. To achieve a good degree of privacy is essential to count on the partner with the factor «confidence.» Intimacy creates appropriate times to zoom in, exposing deep desires and create special atmosphere by two. In order that it exists one must possess personal autonomy and aptitude to receive the pair in our territory without feeling us invaded.

The human beings have a great need to establish intimacy with other people. The intimacy is wealth-producing and allows to experience happiness. The intimacy is an opened meeting and without defenses with other one. In the intimacy one proves to be soft and vulnerable. This concept relates to the interior aspects of every person, if we move this notion to the spaces of the partner, at the time we will have to talkabout elements that concern only and exclusively to the pair and nobody more. To think about the exercise of the sexuality, it is common that at once we visualize it as coitus or penetration; nevertheless, it goes beyond, so it includes components of emotional and intellectual type, interaction, feelings and sensations that, as a whole, give step to the intimacy.


Later in the «Love Spell» we will include an essential ingredient: The Commitment. This is given from the time that members of the relationship are committed to continue with the couple «through thick and thin», although problems and ups and downs that may come to emerge over time.
There are values ​​that can not be lost and within these valuable safety pins, the compromise can not be missed, this includes many others. In the case of fidelity, there we have the best example for this. In other words, it’s about being true to the romance. Although in some circles means the loyalty from the sexual point of view, basically what it means basically, is to respect the commitment. If the couple come to tacit or explicit point about exclusivity, we would be failing in this particular agreement. And we’re not just talking about the body or what is done with them, but respect for privacy, communication and life in particular is built with the other. For the Commitment can not be lost in sickness, poverty, and sadness as promised in the marriage rite, because the other has hope and covenant to accompany at all times.

Though the success is not assured, these three elements are the fundamental props in order that the love lasts through time, and we can not forget that to this magic potion, both members of the couple have to add other ingredients, so, if you want that your relation lasts throughout the time it is necessary to have other factors such as the fondness, the tastes and the priorities.

The most important thing is to be aware that the love of fairy tale, the blue prince and the princess living happy eternally in their enchanted castle, does not exist. Love is a living being that needs to be fed to grow, develop and evolve. In this process you surely will suffer many ups and downs, you will have doubts and you must fight to get that your history endures, but if you have the right tools, you will be able to overcome any situation.

Do not forget to take note of the three ingredients of the magic potion that will deliver today and which you should never ignore to make the Master Formula of Eternal Love.




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What is Santeria?

Santería is a religion that has its origins in the African Yoruba tribe. The Yorubas lived in what is today known as Nigeria, along the Niger River. At one time they had a powerful and complex structure organized in a series of kingdoms, of which the most important was Benin. Between 1820 and 1840, most slaves were shipped from Benin Yoruba. These slaves were brought to Cuba and Brazil to work in the sugar plantations. The Yoruba soon were called «Lucumi» due to his greeting«Oluku my», «My friend.»

Spanish law required that slaves were baptized Catholics and the Church tried to evangelize black Lucumi, but conditions were very difficult. In addition to the shortage of priests, the injustice of slavery difficult for the Lucumi understand and accept what is taught about God. The good souls who sought help and evangelize, were of the same race as those that oppressed them. The result was that many accepted Catholic teaching outwardly while inwardly retained their old religion.The Yorubas, afraid of being punished as heretics, spliced ​​their deities or orishas with Christian saints of their masters, the European conquerors, resulting in what is now known as Santeria. It is also considered that the background of syncretism that occurs between the Yoruba religion and Christianity was due to the belief of blackness that their masters had a vital power superior to theirs. Otherwise, the white slaves would not they, the blacks.

The term «Santeria» was used by the Spanish in a derogatory manner to mock the apparent showing excessive devotion to the Saints fans, to the detriment of Judeo-Christian God Yahweh. The Christian masters did not allow their slaves they practiced their various West African animist beliefs. The slaves found a way to circumvent this prohibition, and concluded that the Christian saints were merely manifestations of their own gods.The masters thought their slaves had become good Christians and they were praying to the saints, when in fact they were following their traditional beliefs. In some countries the term Santeria is still derogatory. Practitioners prefer to use other names such as Lukumi (due to the greeting) or Regla de Ocha. Sometimes Santeria practitioners prefer to be known by the secret societies to which they belong, for example: Abakwá (in Cuba) and Friends of St. Lazarus (Puerto Rico).


Santera Cosmology: have five different levels of power in Yoruba cosmology: Olodumare, the Orishas, ​​humans, human ancestors, and the lowest group (which includes plants, animals, individuals, and manufactured products) . The Santeros believe and worship a central force (which coincides with Jesus Christ in the Catholic religion), called Olodumare, His name means in the Yoruba religion the only god, supreme, omnipotent creator of all that exists, the epitome of all laws. Its name comes from the Yoruba Olodumare, which means (Lord who is our eternal destiny). Olodumare is the material and spiritual manifestation of all that exists. Not in direct contact with men, but through his otherwise Olorum (directly) or Olofin (indirectly). From this strength comes all that exists, and returns to him, expressing himself in the world created by Ashe. The latter represents the power of Olodumare toward justice, strength and life. Then there are the Orishas, ​​who are deities governing various aspects of the world. The Orishas also take care that every mortal meet the fate that has marked him from birth.


El Brujo Mayor Tarot Gratis De

Olurun interacts with the world through emissaries called Orisha. The Orishas rule over all the forces of nature and all aspects of human life, which can be addressed through prayer, ritual offerings, and possession trance, and you can count on them to come to the aid of followers and guide them towards a better life and spirituality. Each Orisha is assigned to a particular number and color, among other «favorite things» as a food or the day of the week. The individual uses the colors, making beads, according to the desired Orisha worship. This distinguishes an Orisha of another, when someone wants to make an offering.

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Each Orisha is guardian of a certain aspect of human life. The major Orishas are listed below, as there are literally many, 201 belong to the Orishas are the Yoruba pantheon, but in America only last until today, about thirty Orishas, ​​given the nature of ritual. The first three orishas on the list are: Eleggua, Ogun and Oshosi, who are the guardians of the affairs of battle and are called the Warriors in Santeria Religion. These three are very important warriors, since they are the spiritual foundation in the ritual of initiation.

Communication with the Orisha is achieved through various means, including prayer, divination, ritual and offerings (Ebo-Sacrifice). Animal sacrifice is often used in important situations, such as death, illness or misfortune. You can make offerings to the Orishas with items such as candy, candles and fruit, to name a few. The individual characteristics of each Orisha are important because they give people a way to distinguish how they will contact the one they wish to pray. For example, a person must wear a collar of his employers, made with beads of the colors of the Orisha who he wants to pray. The numbers, colors and also some animals instruct the person about what sacrifices for each of them. Because each Orisha represents a different aspect of life, a person can selectively choose one or more of them, according to his needs.

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The Santeros perform the ceremonies in their own homes, because there are not temples in Santeria. They meet at Home or Iles, at the same time up branches according to the first founders. The Santero is part of everyday life of the believer, becomes his intermediary with the supernatural, his counselor and soothsayer.

The highest grade in Santeria is the Oluwo Babalawo. Etymologically Babalawo is evident from baba (father) and awo (secret) Babalawo is there that the «Father of the secret», known, mastered and practiced the Oracle of Ifa and the 256 Odu or signs, the legacy of Orunmila, deity divination and prophet in our land, according to Yoruba tradition. This man, initiated into the mysteries of Ifa, gets the title of priest of Orunmila and thus head of all Yoruba religion-Locumi (Osha Ifa). As priesthood imposes certain social behavior and most important is the study of nature, the universe and especially the Oddun treaties, extensive work predominantly with symbolism and intricate Yoruba language, hence the obligation of Oluwo (wise) to keep under constant review.


The Santeros or Olorishas are working with Afro-Cuban deity through consultation with snail or spiritual consultation, spiritual sessions in masses or as the development of each person. The Oriaté is the person conducting the ceremonies of the divinity (Orisha, Ghost) so that it is done correctly and it only work santeros who are committed, the new initiate and newly consecrated Iyawó is called, which has already gone through secret rituals. The aleyos are that people with certain knowledge, are believers and are interested in the ceremonies, but so have some secrets, rituals should not be exposed to people not consecrated.



The traditions are strictly observed in Santeria. Have been preserved for nearly 500 years. Prerequisites to a deep involvement in religion include full knowledge of the rites, songs and language.Participants must follow a strict regimen, and respond to Olorun and Orishas for their actions.When someone is initiated into this religion, becomes a member of the House of their Sponsors (or Ile), and a member of that family, too. These people oversee the participant to continue the traditions and the wishes of the Orishas.

El Brujo Mayor

The magic of Santeria is based on knowledge of the mysteries of the orishas and how to interact better with them. The correct interaction helps improve the lives of the participants and those around them.The Santeros believe the world is magical, but in a natural, rather than supernatural. The most basic spell in Santeria will always require a plant, an herb, a stone, a flower, a fruit or an animal. The belief in the power of herbs is an intrinsic part of religion. The Ebo contains many categories of sacrifice and offering to the Orishas. There are offerings such as addimú which may include candles, fruits, sweets or any number of sentences, elements that can be appreciated by the deities or orishas in the religion. In divination, the orishas may ask for a fruit or a favorite dish, or can call the person to follow their advice. Sometimes they may ask the person to stop drinking or other practices that are unwise for that individual. Or they can ask an animal, usually a chicken or a dove, so that the Orisha come to the aid of that person. In general, animal sacrifice is performed only in the most important, as misfortune, illness or serious situations.Animals are also offered when a new priest is consecrated to the service of religion or its Orisha during the birth process in the initiation. In every birth there is blood. Animal sacrifices are essential to win the favor of the gods, and must be performed by a Santero (priest).

Trance Possession or plays an integral role in religious life. This occurs during a party known as Bembe drums.»The purpose of a bembé is in honor of the Orishas playing specific drum rhythms, performing specific dance postures and pantomime performance in the conduct of the Orishas. An Orisha may be persuaded to enter the body of a priest, if he is attracted by own drum rhythms associated with that spirit. Songs, rhythms and dances are dedicated to implore blessing to the specific Orisha. The rhythm of drums and dance postures are not ends in themselves themselves, but are used to achieve a sacred state of consciousness, which manifests itself as a state of trance or spirit possession. Possession of spirits is desirable because it opens the channels of Ashe as dancers and join with divine rhythms. This bembé to Elegua shows the typical songs and rhythms used by possession trance: Song of Eleggua.



